Frequently Asked Questions
No, but it’s always a good idea to at least speak with a Public Adjuster regarding your loss. We offer a FREE INSPECTION, policy review, and consultation. All of this for absolutely NO MONEY DOWN and we work on contingency, to be paid after the insurance company pays your claim. If we believe your loss does not require our assistance, we will be more than forthcoming with that information.
You can see in this quick clip the reasons why you should at least consult with a Public Adjuster about your claim!
Issues/Questions That May Arise with Your Claim
Replacement cost means, how much it would cost for you to replace the item that was damaged today, with like, kind and quality. But, what if you cannot replace an item that was damaged i.e., Historic home, antiques, items that are no longer in production? How is a monetary value determined for those items?
These are just a few of the questions we can help you with. Every loss is different and each policy can have any number of provisions that may provide additional coverage, or take coverage away. The best thing for you to do is call Disaster Recovery Adjusters LLC immediately after you suffer a loss.